Random notes, updates, etc.

Finished Ender’s Game. Great book, and I’m probably the last person on the earth who hadn’t read it, so I won’t bother to recommend it. Finished it in a day, and was disappointed that we didn’t have the next book on hand. Will borrow from someone, or library. Ender rocks, though I really like Valentine, also.

I’m hermiting again. I hate summer. Makes me want to hermit.

Reading another David Brin novel. Kiln People. It’s odd. But good, in an odd, gumshoe of the future sort of way.

Made fabulous chicken tonight:

heat a frying pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a few pinches of garlic powder, black pepper, rosemary, salt, and oregano. Slice chicken breasts in half and lay down in heated oil/herb mix. Fry until both sides are that yummy caramel brown. Pour a cap or two of tequila into the pan. Continue to fry until the chicken is -almost- blackened.

Taste sensation.

something’s unfinished
something’s undone
I’m sleeping
wake me later
when my battle is won

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